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The Complexity of the Simplicity


We believe there are 4 key elements to ensure a unique support and value to individuals and companies :

  • 1 ) a team of professionals who has a professional and life experiences in Italy and Malta , but also in different locations of the world , to understand if and why Malta is the ideal solution
  • 2 ) provide a turnkey professional service , able to support you both regulatory and tax aspects of Malta and Italy , to close the circle and not leave open potentially dangerous pitfalls
  • 3 ) we invest time, professional capacity and network, to do on site in Malta a meticulous selection to find out the best local partners, fitting the different clients’ needs, building partnerships that can offer specific solutions necessary to enable you to start quickly with maximum efficiency and effectiveness
  • 4 ) and lastly , but very important as well, the absence of conflicts of interest and a truly Independence in the Board and as Advisors


malta way chi siamo integrity





Legal Director and MALTAway Partner is Rossella Gianazza,  Italian and Maltese Lawyer (Advocate), and Authorised Registered Mandatories for MALTA Inland Revenue/MFSA

She gained 30+ years of a vast experience in the legal practice area, in both civil and commercial law. First as a partner of an International Law Firm, second in the Legal Department of the largest Italian Bank, third as an Asset Manager of Non Performing Loans (NPL) in an American Financial Corporation and lastly as Legal Director of a Corporate and Advisory Service Company. She has a extensive experience as a lawyer and manager in the Corporate and Finance areas, as well as in litigation and advisory, with large expertise in the management of NPLs. She is the competence’s leader of our advisory in favour of  Corporations, Entrepreneurs, Individuals and HNWIs on NPL and Banking, Re-Domiciliation, Residence , Asset and Wealth Protection, Trust, Foundation and Property Acquisition Procedures.

The MALTAway founder and MD is Alberto Balatti, 30+ years’ experience in the Governance and Investment practices as a trader and asset allocation advisor, VP of Corporate Services in the Global and Family Corporations, Advisory Business’ Managing Partner,Independent Board Member/NED (Non-Executive Director)

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As Director of DIRECTORS CHAMBERS,  Alberto serves as Non-Executive Director (NED), leveraging on his long and global experience as partner in the HEAD HUNTING arena, he strives to select high-calibre professionals who serve as investment committee members and non-executive directors and to develop and promote the proper corporate governance best practice in Malta and therefore cooperating with the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA).





Broadly skilled in Governance, Investments and global Business Management,  Director  and Board Member since 1990, with a wide experience in leading Key Board’s Committees (Investments, Strategic Investment/competitive landscape, Compensation, Performance Management, Succession Planning, Nomination) and setting/leading Corporate shared services & centers of excellence.

Strong influence at Board level  and big-picture view with entrepreneurial attitudes, with a long experience in Board, Governance & Investments practices, like Board Committees, Corporate/Fiscal/Regulatory, Finance&Investment, PrivateEquity/M&A/JVs, Management Consulting, to deliver the business targets and actively contribute to the bottom-line, with full charge of ROE, P&L, EBITDA, CAGR, IRR.

Entrepreneurial and business minded, with strategic capabilities and a hand-on working style. Able to implement a company strategy and business model, supervising the execution of a business plan and ensuring that the customer focus thinking within the company is being achieved.

Consolidated commercial, economic&financial skills,transforming strategic plan into results. Thanks to a long experiences with professional project’s delivery and mandates in Italy, Europe, Egypt, UK, Switzerland, USA, Asia, Malta, the expertise (linguistic, cultural, regulatory) is useful for global thinking and local action in different locations and for multinational teams

Leadership CAPITAL is the currency of corporations, attitude in changing is the financial position of leadership

The only limits are the one inside yourself, I have many but I cope with unpredictable & unknown problems thanks to the value of difference inside my team and network


MALTAway and its team actively contribute to online content. To learn&share more about our ideas, thinking, services and the personalities behind MALTAway, click on the below links:










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